What is the MOMENTUM Program

My dad, nicknamed "Daddio" around the gym, had quintuple heat bypass surgery. From that experience, we both started eating healthier.

I was always active growing up through high school paying every sport, but starting in college and the beginning of my real-world job as a project manager for an IT company, my "activities" were just happy hours. I grew up eating nothing but fast food. I did this though about age 25. After my dad's surgery, I started working out and eating “better,” but eating better back then was eating fast food, but without the soda and fries... I also still had epic cheat days typically filled pizza, ice cream, and cookies.

Just like my fitness journey, my health journey has been long with a lot of trial and error. I hope to share my experiences with you and what I have learned along the way, not just with what has worked so well for my wife and I, but what I have learned from coaching people through their fitness and wellness journeys.

The MOMENTUM program is the fast track to learning what took me 10+ years to understand through many highs and lows. I worked hard to get to where I am today, but these days, day-to-day, it is peacetime. The battles have been fought and won. I spend almost 0% of my life worrying about my body and am on auto-pilot when it comes to implementing my healthy lifestyle. I never would have and could have imagined it, but it is simply not a challenge anymore. Most people have a hard time imagining what their life is going to look like when they start integrating healthier lifestyle choices, but that goes both ways...at this point I cannot imagine going back to my old ways. Health and fitness is easy for me at this point and I am healthier and fitter than I ever have been in my entire life. I want the same for you:)  

The MOMENTUM program is designed to help you fight the battles and win...FOREVER. I am excited to embark on this journey with you! I'll can't wait to continue this journey with you!

Where Does the Typical American Diet, Lifestyle, and Perspective Take You?

If your habits look like the typical American, these are your co-workers, family, friends, etc., you are are going to be part of the American statistics below.

According to the 2013 statistics provided by the CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention)

  • 50% of Americans have a chronic disease (Autoimmune disorders, heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, depression, cancer, asthma, arthritis, etc.).
  • 25% of Americans have multiple chronic diseases.
  • 30% of kids have a chronic disease.
  • 30% of Americans have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  • 88% who have pre-diabetes don’t know they have it. Pre-diabetes means if environmental and behavioral factors remain the same, they will likely have diabetes within 5 years.
  • 40% of Americans are obese.
  • Almost 20% of children are obese.
  • Previously thought of as an alcoholic’s disease, more and more kids are showing up with fatty liver disease.

Also according the to CDC, about 14% of chronic disease is determined by genetics. The other 86% is influenced by environmental and behavioral conditions. To treat these chronic diseases, instead of fixing the root of the issues, most Americans take medication to simply treat symptoms. 55% of Americans take prescription medication. But medications come with side effects. So now, Americans must also treat both the symptoms of bad lifestyle and the symptoms of medications prescribed to fix the symptom of bad lifestyle. To treat these side effects, they take even more medication. Americans who do take prescriptions, take on average 4 different medications.

Average Americans seem to be always looking for the "magic pill" solution that let's them continue to do whatever they want. They seem to be oblivious to some of the realities of life, which is everything has a consequence. People show up to doctors and expect a pill, a massage, or a surgery to fix their problems. They are unwilling to take ownership of their problems. They don’t realize that it is their lifestyle choices that are at the root of their symptoms and problems. People are looking for supplements to solve deficiencies, but the first step should be modifying the diet to include healthy foods. Once that is in place, then it's time to look at vitamin deficiencies and determine if new foods or supplementation is appropriate.

Once we understand the realities of what it takes to be a healthy human being, we can come up with an actionable plan to get the results we are looking for. The tools and strategies we have discussed along the way will make sure that your plan is in place, the efforts to sustain your results are as minimal as possible, and we hope that the plan will actually make your day-to-day life easier and more productive.

Keep it up! We do not follow the herd simply to follow the herd.

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